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Contextual accompaniment

The Interface  team is tasked with providing expert advice to the decision-makers at the Center for Democracy Studies Aarau. A policy analysis of rising health costs prepared by Interface serves as a basis for the project team. This analysis identifies five topics (basic insurance, hospitals, expansion of services, coordination of care, health promotion and prevention) and related reform proposals that are associated with rising health costs.

In addition to Interface's advisory services, experts with thematic expertise are consulted for the process. Their task is to provide content-related input on a specific aspect of a topic and to answer questions in direct exchange with the Citizens' Assembly participants (the applicable principles for knowledge transfer and for the selection of experts are summarized in the Concept & Program document).

Experts support the Citizens' Assembly participants with their expertise and provide information. Based on the interests of the participants, the experts are available to answer questions, explain and expand on the most important facts on the topic, and provide expert assessments.