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Political support group

The political support group with members from all six major parties accompanies the Citizens' Assembly in its preparations. This ensures that the Cititzens' Assembly is connected to the ongoing political debates. At the discussion weekend in Neuchâtel (February 15/16, 2025), the members of the political support group will exchange views with the participants of the Citizens' Assembly.

The members of the support group contribute their opinions on how to deal with the topic, as well as following the process and taking part in follow-up events.

  • Barbara Gysi

    Barbara Gysi

    • Nationalrätin / Conseillère nationale / Consigliera nazionale (SP / PSS / PSS)
  • Bettina Balmer

    Bettina Balmer

    • Nationalrätin / Conseillère nationale / Consigliere nazionale (FDP / PLR / PLR)
  • Giorgio Fonio

    Giorgio Fonio

    • Nationalrat / Conseiller national / Consigliere nazionale (Die Mitte / Le Centre / Alleanza del Centro)
  • Manuela Weichelt

    Manuela Weichelt

    • Nationalrätin / Conseillère nationale / Consigliera nazionale (Grüne / Verts / Verdi)